Alexis Z Lelito Alexis Z Lelito

clinical social worker. Female

Alexis Z Lelito is an clinical social worker specialist in Smyrna, Delaware (DE). She specializes in Clinical Social Worker.

General Information

Board certificationClinical Social Worker
EducationGraduated : 2009
School : Other
Group AffiliationsChristiana Care Health Services Inc


  • 100 Sunnyside rd
    Smyrna, DE 19977
    (302) 653-1900
  • 26351 Patriots Way
    Georgetown, DE 19947
    (302) 933-3420
  • 26351 Patriots Way 102 Lloyd Lane, Cchs Psychiatry
    Georgetown, DE 19947
    (302) 933-3420
  • 4755 Ogletown Stanton rd
    Newark, DE 19718

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