Dr. Robert A Lapkin Dr. Robert A Lapkin

nephrology. Male

Dr. Robert A Lapkin is an nephrology specialist in Plainville, Connecticut (CT). He graduated from New York Medical College in 1968 and specializes in nephrology.

General Information

Board certificationNephrology
EducationGraduated : 1968
School : New York Medical College
Group AffiliationsStarling Physicians pc
Hospital AffiliationsThe Hospital Of Central Connecticut
Bristol Hospital


  • 1 Herald sq
    New Britain, CT 06051
    (860) 258-3480
  • 100 Simsbury rd
    Avon, CT 06001
    (860) 258-3480
  • 184 E st
    Plainville, CT 06062
    (860) 258-3480
  • 209 Main st
    Southington, CT 06489
    (860) 258-3480
  • 300 Kensington Ave
    New Britain, CT 06051

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