Dr. Susan M Gobel, MD Dr. Susan M Gobel, MD

pathology. Female

Dr. Susan M Gobel, MD is an pathology specialist in Hartford, Connecticut (CT). She graduated from Yale University School Of Medicine in 1985 and specializes in pathology.

Connecticut Gi pc
85 Seymour st, Suite 1000
Hartford, CT 06106

General Information

Board certificationPathology
EducationGraduated : 1985
School : Yale University School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsConnecticut Gi pc


  • 105 Wawecus st
    Norwich, CT 06360
    (860) 859-9061
  • 2200 Whitney Ave, Suite 360
    Hamden, CT 06518
    (203) 281-4463
  • 85 Seymour st, Suite 1000
    Hartford, CT 06106
    (860) 246-2571

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