Dr. Scott D Walter Dr. Scott D Walter

ophthalmology. Male

Dr. Scott D Walter is an ophthalmology specialist in Hartford, Connecticut (CT). He specializes in Ophthalmology.

Retina Consultants pc
43 Woodland st, Suite 100
Hartford, CT 06105

General Information

Board certificationOphthalmology
EducationGraduated : 2011
School : Other
Group AffiliationsRetina Consultants pc
Hospital AffiliationsHartford Hospital
St Francis Hospital & Medical Center


  • 191 Main st
    Manchester, CT 06042
    (860) 646-7704
  • 43 Woodland st, Suite 100
    Hartford, CT 06105
    (860) 527-9020
  • 85 Seymour st, Suite 822
    Hartford, CT 06106
    (860) 525-3900

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