Dr. Christopher H Comey, MD Dr. Christopher H Comey, MD

neurosurgery. Male

Dr. Christopher H Comey, MD is an neurosurgery specialist in Hartford, Connecticut (CT). He graduated from UmdnJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in 1990 and specializes in neurosurgery.

General Information

Board certificationNeurosurgery
EducationGraduated : 1990
School : UmdnJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Group AffiliationsTrinity Health Of New England Provider Network Organization Inc
Hospital AffiliationsSt Francis Hospital & Medical Center
Johnson Memorial Hospital
Mercy Medical Ctr
Fairview Hospital
Berkshire Medical Center


  • 1000 Asylum Ave, Suite 3215
    Hartford, CT 06105
    (860) 714-9623

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