Dr. Christopher Scott Ambrose, PT Dr. Christopher Scott Ambrose, PT

physical therapy. Male

Dr. Christopher Scott Ambrose, PT is an physical therapy specialist in Vista, California (CA). He specializes in Physical Therapy.

Barbara Jean Boutelle Carlsbad Physical Therapy
2067 W Vista Way, 185 Tri City Physical Therapy
Vista, CA 92083

General Information

Board certificationPhysical Therapy
EducationGraduated : 1996
School : Other
Group AffiliationsBarbara Jean Boutelle Carlsbad Physical Therapy


  • 2067 W Vista Way, 185 Tri City Physical Therapy
    Vista, CA 92083
    (760) 631-5888
  • 3070 Madison st
    Carlsbad, CA 92008
    (760) 434-6100

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