Dr. John R Dexter, MD Dr. John R Dexter, MD

physical medicine and rehabilitation. Male

Dr. John R Dexter, MD is an physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist in Santa Barbara, California (CA). He graduated from Loma Linda University School Of Medicine in 1977 and specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation.

351 S Patterson Ave
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

General Information

Board certificationPhysical Medicine And Rehabilitation
EducationGraduated : 1977
School : Loma Linda University School Of Medicine
Hospital AffiliationsCommunity Memorial Hospital San Buenaventura
Ventura County Medical Center


  • 2705 Loma Vista rd, Suite 205
    Ventura, CA 93003
    (805) 585-3086
  • 351 S Patterson Ave
    Santa Barbara, CA 93111
    (805) 696-7920

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