Dr. Amanda Jane Wheeler Dr. Amanda Jane Wheeler

general surgery. Female

Dr. Amanda Jane Wheeler is an general surgery specialist in San Mateo, California (CA). She graduated from Oregon Health Sciences University School Of Medicine in 2002 and specializes in general surgery.

Sutter Bay Medical Foundation
50 S San Mateo dr, Suite 360
San Mateo, CA 94401

General Information

Board certificationGeneral Surgery
EducationGraduated : 2002
School : Oregon Health Sciences University School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsSutter Bay Medical Foundation
Hospital AffiliationsStanford Health Care
Peninsula Medical Center


  • 300 Pasteur dr
    Stanford, CA 94305
    (650) 723-4000
  • 50 S San Mateo dr, Suite 360
    San Mateo, CA 94401
    (650) 240-8049

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