Dr. Kenneth B Fryer Dr. Kenneth B Fryer

orthopedic surgery. Male

Dr. Kenneth B Fryer is an orthopedic surgery specialist in San Luis Obispo, California (CA). He graduated from New York Medical College in 1970 and specializes in orthopedic surgery.

Central Coast Orthopedic Medical Group
862 Meinecke Ave, Suite 100
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

General Information

Board certificationOrthopedic Surgery
EducationGraduated : 1970
School : New York Medical College
Group AffiliationsCentral Coast Orthopedic Medical Group
Hospital AffiliationsMarian Regional Medical Center


  • 862 Meinecke Ave, Suite 100
    San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
    (805) 541-4600

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