Dr. Erika R Gibson Dr. Erika R Gibson

anesthesiology. Male

Dr. Erika R Gibson is an anesthesiology specialist in San Luis Obispo, California (CA). He graduated from Jefferson Medical College Of Thomas Jefferson University in 2009 and specializes in anesthesiology.

General Information

Board certificationAnesthesiology
EducationGraduated : 2009
School : Jefferson Medical College Of Thomas Jefferson University
Group AffiliationsAssociated Anesthesiologists Of The Central Coast
Hospital AffiliationsSierra Vista Regional Medical Center
Marian Regional Medical Center
French Hospital Medical Center


  • 1010 Murray Ave
    San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
    (805) 928-1731
  • 1400 E Church st
    Santa Maria, CA 93454
    (805) 739-3870

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