Dr. Emily L Watts Dr. Emily L Watts

physical therapy. Female

Dr. Emily L Watts is an physical therapy specialist in Lodi, California (CA). She specializes in Physical Therapy.

San Luis Physical Therapy And Orthopedic Rehabilitation Inc
2401 W Turner rd, 250 Central Valley Phy Ther
Lodi, CA 95242

General Information

Board certificationPhysical Therapy
EducationGraduated : 2005
School : Other
Group AffiliationsSan Luis Physical Therapy And Orthopedic Rehabilitation Inc


  • 1067 C st, Suite 110
    Galt, CA 95632
    (209) 745-5802
  • 2401 W Turner rd, 250 Central Valley Phy Ther
    Lodi, CA 95242
    (209) 334-2224

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