Dr. Michael Yap Dr. Michael  Yap

nephrology. Male

Dr. Michael Yap is an nephrology specialist in Garden Grove, California (CA). He specializes in Nephrology.

Balboa Nephrology Medical Group Inc
9191 Westminster Ave
Garden Grove, CA 92844

General Information

Board certificationNephrology
EducationGraduated : 2007
School : Other
Group AffiliationsBalboa Nephrology Medical Group Inc
Hospital AffiliationsFountain Valley Regional Hospital & Medical Center
Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian
Huntington Beach Hospital
Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center


  • 11100 Warner Ave, Suite 218
    Fountain Valley, CA 92708
    (714) 641-9696
  • 4060 4th Ave, Suite 220
    San Diego, CA 92103
    (619) 299-2350
  • 9191 Westminster Ave
    Garden Grove, CA 92844
    (714) 641-9696
  • 9940 Talbert Ave, Suite 101
    Fountain Valley, CA 92708
    (714) 641-9696

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