Dr. Chandra S Lingisetty Dr. Chandra S Lingisetty

internal medicine. Male

Dr. Chandra S Lingisetty is an internal medicine specialist in Heber Springs, Arkansas (AR). He specializes in Internal Medicine.

Arkansas Health Group
2319 Hwy 110 W
Heber Springs, AR 72543

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 2001
School : Other
Group AffiliationsArkansas Health Group
Hospital AffiliationsBaptist Health Medical CenteR-Little Rock
Baptist Health Medical Center Heber Spings
Baptist Health Medical CenteR-Arkadelphia
Drew Memorial Hospital
Baptist Health Medical CenteR-Conway


  • 2319 Hwy 110 W
    Heber Springs, AR 72543
    (501) 851-7402
  • 9601 Interstate 630 Exit 7, Internal Medicine Associates
    Little Rock, AR 72205
    (501) 851-7402

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