Dr. Steven B Laye Dr. Steven B Laye

physician assistant. Male

Dr. Steven B Laye is an physician assistant specialist in Ozark, Alabama (AL). He graduated from University Of South Alabama College Of Medicine in 2013 and specializes in physician assistant.

S.b.j.s. pc
2126 W Roy Parker rd, Suite 201
Ozark, AL 36360

General Information

Board certificationPhysician Assistant
EducationGraduated : 2013
School : University Of South Alabama College Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsS.b.j.s. pc
Hospital AffiliationsSoutheast Alabama Medical Center
Flowers Hospital


  • 1500 Ross Clark Cir
    Dothan, AL 36301
    (334) 793-2663
  • 2126 W Roy Parker rd, Suite 201
    Ozark, AL 36360
    (334) 445-2663
  • 345 Healthwest dr
    Dothan, AL 36303
    (334) 793-2663

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