Find a Physiotherapist in wenatchee, washington (WA)

Showing 11 - 20 of 24 results related to physical therapy of wenatchee, washington

Wenatchee Valley Hospital

GROUP Specialties : physical therapy
820 N Chelan Ave
Wenatchee, WA 98801
(509) 663-8711
View all locations & phone numbers

Group members at this location

Dr. Brittany Michelle Johnson

Primary specialty : physical therapy

Dr. Colleen A Ryan

Primary specialty : physical therapy

Dr. Ann M Fleming

Primary specialty : physical therapy

Dr. Maureen S Johnson

Primary specialty : physical therapy

Dr. Karen W Kunz

Primary specialty : physical therapy

Dr. Roger E King

Primary specialty : physical therapy

Dr. Jennifer S Hamsher

Primary specialty : physical therapy

Dr. Jaime K Garness

Primary specialty : physical therapy

Dr. Amanda L Esmond

Primary specialty : physical therapy

Dr. Stuart B Utley

Primary specialty : physical therapy
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