Find a Orthopaedic Surgeon in harbor city, california (CA)

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results related to orthopedic surgery of harbor city, california

Southern California Permanente Medical Group

GROUP Specialties : orthopedic surgery
25821 Vermont Ave
Harbor City, CA 90710
(310) 325-5111
View all locations & phone numbers

Group members at this location

Dr. Ronald A Navarro

Primary specialty : orthopedic surgery

Dr. Michael P Hall

Primary specialty : orthopedic surgery

Dr. Brent K Ogawa

Primary specialty : orthopedic surgery

Dr. Anthony J Leone

Primary specialty : orthopedic surgery

Dr. Matthew P Kelly

Primary specialty : orthopedic surgery

Dr. Brian K Park

Primary specialty : orthopedic surgery

Dr. John J Lee

Primary specialty : orthopedic surgery
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