Professional Radiology Inc

Specialties : diagnostic radiology

17120 Ne 30th pl
Bellevue, WA 98008


  • 17120 Ne 30th pl
    Bellevue, WA 98008
    (513) 457-9999
  • 2139 Auburn Ave
    Cincinnati, OH 45219
    (513) 872-4500
  • 222 Karen Ave, Unit 4405
    Las Vegas, NV 89109
    (858) 546-3800
  • 2311 4th st, Apt 321
    Santa Monica, CA 90405
    (858) 546-3800
  • 38 Paperbark
    Irvine, CA 92620
    (858) 546-3800
  • 3980 9th Ave, Unit 402
    San Diego, CA 92103
    (858) 546-3800
  • 4777 E Galbraith rd
    Cincinnati, OH 45236
    (513) 872-4500
  • 59 -037 Huelo st
    Haleiwa, HI 96712
    (858) 546-3800
  • 5954 Hillside st
    Seminole, FL 33772
    (513) 527-4500
  • 60 Mercy ct
    Irvine, KY 40336
    (606) 723-2115
  • View More Location

Affiliated Clinicians

Name Specialty Location
Alex J Chronis Diagnostic Radiology Cincinnati, Ohio (OH)
David  Lee Diagnostic Radiology Bellevue, Washington (WA)
David  Lee Diagnostic Radiology Cincinnati, Ohio (OH)
Glenn M Taylor Diagnostic Radiology Cincinnati, Ohio (OH)
Jason  Shou Diagnostic Radiology Seminole, Florida (FL)
Matthew J Thomson Diagnostic Radiology Roseville, California (CA)
Max R Pollock Diagnostic Radiology Las Vegas, Nevada (NV)
Max R Pollock Diagnostic Radiology Santa Monica, California (CA)
Robert B Fortuna Diagnostic Radiology Haleiwa, Hawaii (HI)
Sanjeevi  Vridhachalam Diagnostic Radiology Irvine, California (CA)
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