Radiology And Imaging Of South Texas Llp

Specialties : diagnostic radiology

2500 E Main st, Christus Spohn Alice
Alice, TX 78332


  • 1313 Vassar st
    Houston, TX 77006
    (361) 853-4503
  • 1500 E Houston Hwy, Christus Spohn Beeville
    Beeville, TX 78102
    (361) 354-2084
  • 15225 Isabella ct
    Corpus Christi, TX 78418
    (361) 853-4503
  • 15385 Sabre dr
    Corpus Christi, TX 78418
    (361) 853-4503
  • 21 Spurs ln, Suite 140
    San Antonio, TX 78240
    (210) 617-9100
  • 221 Wildflower rd
    Carbondale, CO 81623
    (972) 945-7564
  • 246 Kubler st
    Crested Butte, CO 81224
    (361) 853-4503
  • 2500 E Main st, Christus Spohn Alice
    Alice, TX 78332
    (361) 661-8856
  • 2825 Spohn Dr S, South Imaging Center
    Corpus Christi, TX 78414
    (361) 991-9595
  • 3226 Reid dr
    Corpus Christi, TX 78404
    (361) 853-4503
  • View More Location

Affiliated Clinicians

Name Specialty Location
Alexander T Aitken Interventional Radiology Beeville, Texas (TX)
Alexander T Aitken Interventional Radiology Corpus Christi, Texas (TX)
Ann K. Cox Diagnostic Radiology Corpus Christi, Texas (TX)
Ann K. Cox Diagnostic Radiology Crested Butte, Colorado (CO)
Brian D Antoniano Diagnostic Radiology
Interventional Radiology
Corpus Christi, Texas (TX)
Casey  Almonte Interventional Radiology
Diagnostic Radiology
Corpus Christi, Texas (TX)
David A Saldana Diagnostic Radiology Alice, Texas (TX)
David A Saldana Diagnostic Radiology Beeville, Texas (TX)
David A Saldana Diagnostic Radiology Corpus Christi, Texas (TX)
Erin N Moody Interventional Radiology Corpus Christi, Texas (TX)
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