Evolution Nutrition Inc

Specialties : registered dietitian or nutrition professional

450 Veterans Memorial Pkwy, 8c
East Providence, RI 02914


  • 450 Veterans Memorial Pkwy, 8c
    East Providence, RI 02914
    (401) 396-9331

Affiliated Clinicians

Name Specialty Location
Christine Anne Massella Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional East Providence, Rhode Island (RI)
Emily  Delconte Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional East Providence, Rhode Island (RI)
Kali N Garges Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional East Providence, Rhode Island (RI)
Kelly Elisabeth Markiewicz Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional East Providence, Rhode Island (RI)
Kimberly Gustafson Wallander Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional East Providence, Rhode Island (RI)
Kristen Marie Lakoma Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional East Providence, Rhode Island (RI)
Kristina Marie Lopes Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional East Providence, Rhode Island (RI)
Laura Elizabeth Dutra Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional East Providence, Rhode Island (RI)
Meghan E Martorana Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional East Providence, Rhode Island (RI)
Sarah  Arpino Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional East Providence, Rhode Island (RI)
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