Village Network

Specialties : clinical social worker

14 Sandalwood dr
Newark, OH 43055


  • 1221 S Trimble rd, Suite c2
    Mansfield, OH 44907
    (419) 774-4010
  • 14 Sandalwood dr
    Newark, OH 43055
    (740) 788-8850
  • 2000 S Integrity dr
    Columbus, OH 43209
    (614) 778-7447
  • 3011 Akron rd
    Wooster, OH 44691
    (330) 264-3232

Affiliated Clinicians

Name Specialty Location
Amanda L Plant Clinical Social Worker Wooster, Ohio (OH)
Angel D Schuler Clinical Social Worker Wooster, Ohio (OH)
Cara E Seibel Clinical Social Worker Wooster, Ohio (OH)
Elizabeth R Chalfant Clinical Social Worker Newark, Ohio (OH)
Eva M Fisher Clinical Social Worker Wooster, Ohio (OH)
Eve A Gellner Clinical Social Worker Wooster, Ohio (OH)
Janet L Gobrogge Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Columbus, Ohio (OH)
Jill M Saner Clinical Social Worker Wooster, Ohio (OH)
Kimberly Y Hartman Clinical Social Worker Mansfield, Ohio (OH)
Mary E Rufer Clinical Social Worker Columbus, Ohio (OH)
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