Osu General Internal Medicine Llc

Specialties : internal medicine

895 Yard st
Grandview Heights, OH 43212


  • 2050 Kenny rd, Suite 1100
    Columbus, OH 43221
    (614) 293-8054
  • 3651 Ridge Mill dr
    Hilliard, OH 43026
    (614) 688-9220
  • 3900 Stoneridge ln
    Dublin, OH 43017
    (614) 366-5001
  • 460 W 10th Ave
    Columbus, OH 43210
    (614) 293-8619
  • 543 Taylor Ave
    Columbus, OH 43203
    (614) 688-6470
  • 6515 Pullman dr
    Lewis Center, OH 43035
    (614) 688-7150
  • 895 Yard st
    Grandview Heights, OH 43212
    (614) 293-9780

Affiliated Clinicians

Name Specialty Location
Aaron J Friedberg Internal Medicine Columbus, Ohio (OH)
Afton Racine Avalos Clinical Social Worker Columbus, Ohio (OH)
Andrew  Schamess Internal Medicine Columbus, Ohio (OH)
Anita E. ZielinskI-Bean Clinical Social Worker Columbus, Ohio (OH)
Ashley R Rumer Nurse Practitioner Columbus, Ohio (OH)
Brandon A Pollak Internal Medicine Columbus, Ohio (OH)
Breanne  Anstine Clinical Social Worker Dublin, Ohio (OH)
Camilla  Curren Internal Medicine
Pediatric Medicine
Columbus, Ohio (OH)
Carmen R Skinner Internal Medicine Columbus, Ohio (OH)
Christopher J Chiu Internal Medicine Columbus, Ohio (OH)
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