Beyond Basics Physical Therapy

Specialties : physical therapy

110 E 42nd st, Rm 1504
New York, NY 10017


  • 110 E 42nd st, Rm 1504
    New York, NY 10017
    (212) 354-2622

Affiliated Clinicians

Name Specialty Location
Alexandra Claire Lange Physical Therapy New York, New York (NY)
Amy  Stein Physical Therapy New York, New York (NY)
Corey  Silbert Physical Therapy New York, New York (NY)
Jessica R Babich Physical Therapy New York, New York (NY)
Julia  Rosenthal Physical Therapy New York, New York (NY)
Kaitllyn  Parrotte Physical Therapy New York, New York (NY)
Mary  Bogle Physical Therapy New York, New York (NY)
Molly  Dennis Physical Therapy New York, New York (NY)
Sarah  Paplanus Physical Therapy New York, New York (NY)
Tina  Cardenia Physical Therapy New York, New York (NY)
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