Li Urgent Care pc

Specialties : emergency medicine

383 N Sunrise Service rd, Suite 8
Manorville, NY 11949


  • 383 N Sunrise Service rd, Suite 8
    Manorville, NY 11949
    (631) 716-5410
  • 403 Little E Neck rd
    West Babylon, NY 11704
    (631) 716-5463

Affiliated Clinicians

Name Specialty Location
Amy B Bonilla Physician Assistant West Babylon, New York (NY)
Christine D Hagerty Physician Assistant West Babylon, New York (NY)
Gina M Ruocchio Pediatric Medicine West Babylon, New York (NY)
Hillary R Scheier Physician Assistant West Babylon, New York (NY)
Jacqueline C Corvino Physician Assistant West Babylon, New York (NY)
Jane E Moldovan Physician Assistant West Babylon, New York (NY)
Kristie L Mclaren Physician Assistant West Babylon, New York (NY)
Lina S Hwang Family Medicine West Babylon, New York (NY)
Lutchana  Cenatus Physician Assistant West Babylon, New York (NY)
Matthew G Masiello Physician Assistant West Babylon, New York (NY)
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