Access Physical Therapy And Wellness Pllc

Specialties : physical therapy

370 Elwood Ave, Suite 101
Hawthorne, NY 10532


  • 370 Elwood Ave, Suite 101
    Hawthorne, NY 10532
    (914) 769-7690
  • 530 Main st
    Armonk, NY 10504
    (914) 273-9100
  • 649 Old Post rd
    Bedford, NY 10506
    (914) 234-4445

Affiliated Clinicians

Name Specialty Location
Binky  Bawa Physical Therapy Armonk, New York (NY)
Binky  Bawa Physical Therapy Hawthorne, New York (NY)
Christopher  Coppolecchia Physical Therapy Armonk, New York (NY)
Christopher  Coppolecchia Physical Therapy Hawthorne, New York (NY)
Elizabeth Charlonis Barbaretti Physical Therapy Armonk, New York (NY)
Elizabeth Charlonis Barbaretti Physical Therapy Hawthorne, New York (NY)
Galia  Spassova Physical Therapy Armonk, New York (NY)
Galia  Spassova Physical Therapy Bedford, New York (NY)
Jessica  Koletsky Physical Therapy Armonk, New York (NY)
Jessica  Koletsky Physical Therapy Hawthorne, New York (NY)
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