Drs Ravin Birndorf And Ravin Inc

Specialties : ophthalmology

2775 Blake rd
Jackson, MI 49201


  • 100 S Lynn st
    Bryan, OH 43506
    (800) 832-2015
  • 1801 W Maumee st, 100 Specialty Eye Institute
    Adrian, MI 49221
    (517) 265-6131
  • 2213 Cherry st
    Toledo, OH 43608
    (419) 251-3232
  • 2775 Blake rd
    Jackson, MI 49201
    (517) 787-2906
  • 3000 Regency ct, Suite 100
    Toledo, OH 43623
    (800) 832-2015
  • 500 E Pottawatamie st, Promedica Herrick Hospital
    Tecumseh, MI 49286
    (517) 424-3000

Affiliated Clinicians

Name Specialty Location
David P Trujillo Optometry Adrian, Michigan (MI)
David L Bejot Optometry Bryan, Ohio (OH)
David L Bejot Optometry Toledo, Ohio (OH)
James G Ravin Ophthalmology Toledo, Ohio (OH)
Jonathan M Bernstein Ophthalmology Adrian, Michigan (MI)
Jonathan M Bernstein Ophthalmology Toledo, Ohio (OH)
Neal A Tolchin Ophthalmology Adrian, Michigan (MI)
Neal A Tolchin Ophthalmology Bryan, Ohio (OH)
Neal A Tolchin Ophthalmology Tecumseh, Michigan (MI)
Neal A Tolchin Ophthalmology Toledo, Ohio (OH)
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