Drayer Physical Therapy Kentucky Llc

Specialties : physical therapy

101 Windsor Path, Suite 2
Georgetown, KY 40324


  • 101 Windsor Path, Suite 2
    Georgetown, KY 40324
    (502) 863-1674
  • 1010 Monarch st, Suite 110
    Lexington, KY 40513
    (859) 296-1696
  • 1010 Monarch st, Suite 150
    Lexington, KY 40513
    (859) 219-0211
  • 1054 Ctr dr, Suite 1
    Richmond, KY 40475
    (859) 625-0600
  • 160 Pedro Way
    Winchester, KY 40391
    (859) 745-2152
  • 600 Perimeter dr, Suite 175
    Lexington, KY 40517
    (859) 268-1201

Affiliated Clinicians

Name Specialty Location
Clay Thomas Fletcher Physical Therapy Winchester, Kentucky (KY)
Dustin  Golebieski Physical Therapy Lexington, Kentucky (KY)
Dustin  Golebieski Physical Therapy Winchester, Kentucky (KY)
Elizabeth Grace Clark Physical Therapy Lexington, Kentucky (KY)
James Patrick Couch Physical Therapy Lexington, Kentucky (KY)
James Patrick Couch Physical Therapy Richmond, Kentucky (KY)
James Patrick Couch Physical Therapy Winchester, Kentucky (KY)
Jeffrey Wayne Wills Physical Therapy Lexington, Kentucky (KY)
Jonathan L Harney Physical Therapy Lexington, Kentucky (KY)
Jonathan L Harney Physical Therapy Winchester, Kentucky (KY)
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