Central Kansas Orthopedic Group Llc

Specialties : orthopedic surgery

502 S Buckeye st
Stafford, KS 67578


  • 1514 State rd, Suite 96
    Great Bend, KS 67530
    (620) 792-4383
  • 200 S Main st
    Russell, KS 67665
    (620) 792-4383
  • 502 S Buckeye st
    Stafford, KS 67578
    (620) 792-4383

Affiliated Clinicians

Name Specialty Location
Adam L Kristek Physical Therapy Great Bend, Kansas (KS)
Anne C Linenberger Physician Assistant Great Bend, Kansas (KS)
Ashley Yvonne Boxberger Physician Assistant Great Bend, Kansas (KS)
Ashley Yvonne Boxberger Physician Assistant Russell, Kansas (KS)
Brianna L Saryerwinnie Qualified Speech Language Pathologist Great Bend, Kansas (KS)
Jake C Thompson Physical Therapy Great Bend, Kansas (KS)
Jayme L Mayers Physical Therapy Great Bend, Kansas (KS)
Joshua J Boone Podiatry Great Bend, Kansas (KS)
Leonard Thomas Fleske Orthopedic Surgery Great Bend, Kansas (KS)
Leonard Thomas Fleske Orthopedic Surgery Russell, Kansas (KS)
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