Providea Health Partners Llc

Specialties : physical medicine and rehabilitation

521 E 86th Ave Z, Providea Health Partners
Merrillville, IN 46410


  • 10260 191st st, Suite 100
    Mokena, IL 60448
    (708) 572-7606
  • 4950 W 95th st
    Oak Lawn, IL 60453
    (312) 588-9008
  • 521 E 86th Ave Z, Providea Health Partners
    Merrillville, IN 46410
    (219) 769-0777
  • 7456 S State rd, Suite 303
    Bedford Park, IL 60638
    (630) 478-9085
  • 9730 S Western Ave, Suite 100
    Evergreen Park, IL 60805
    (708) 425-1907

Affiliated Clinicians

Name Specialty Location
Denise Molina Furlong Obstetrics/gynecology Bedford Park, Illinois (IL)
Denise Molina Furlong Obstetrics/gynecology Oak Lawn, Illinois (IL)
Jennifer A Pallone Neurology Merrillville, Indiana (IN)
Kathleen J Slugocki Obstetrics/gynecology Evergreen Park, Illinois (IL)
Kathleen J Slugocki Obstetrics/gynecology Mokena, Illinois (IL)
Kenneth  Finkelstein Obstetrics/gynecology Evergreen Park, Illinois (IL)
Lonnie L Amico Neurology Merrillville, Indiana (IN)
Mitchell A Khan Obstetrics/gynecology Evergreen Park, Illinois (IL)
Mitchell A Khan Obstetrics/gynecology Mokena, Illinois (IL)
Nicole A Orwar Obstetrics/gynecology Evergreen Park, Illinois (IL)
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